Not-So-Scary Truth About Climate Change

United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry says it will take trillions of dollars to “solve” climate change. Then he says, “There is not enough money in any country in the world to actually solve this problem.”

Kerry has little understanding of money or how it’s created. He’s a multimillionaire because he married a rich woman. Now he wants to take more of your money to pretend to affect climate change.

Bjorn Lomborg points out that there are better things society should spend money on.

Lomberg acknowledges that a warmer climate brings problems. “As temperatures get higher, sea water, like everything else, expands. So we’re going to maybe see three feet of sea level rise. Then they say, ‘So everybody who lives within three feet of sea level, they’ll have to move!’ Well, no. If you actually look at what people do, they built dikes and so they don’t have to move.”

People in Holland did that years ago. A third of the Netherlands is below sea level. In some areas, it’s 22 feet below. Yet the country thrives. That’s the way to deal with climate change: adjust to it.

“Fewer people are going to get flooded every year, despite the fact that you have much higher sea level rise. The total cost for Holland over the last half-century is about $10 billion,” says Lomberg. “Not nothing, but very little for an advanced economy over 50 years.”

For saying things like that, Lomberg is labeled “the devil.”

“The problem here is unmitigated scaremongering,” he replies. “A new survey shows that 60% of all people in rich countries now believe it’s likely or very likely that unmitigated climate change will lead to the end of mankind. This is what you get when you have constant fearmongering in the media.”

Some people now say they will not have children because they’re convinced that climate change will destroy the world. Lomborg points out how counterproductive that would be: “We need your kids to make sure the future is better.”

He acknowledges that climate warming will kill people.

“As temperatures go up, we’re likely to see more people die from heat. That’s absolutely true. You hear this all the time. But what is underreported is the fact that nine times as many people die from cold. … As temperatures go up, you’re going to see fewer people die from cold. Over the last 20 years, because of temperature rises, we have seen about 116,000 more people die from heat. But 283,000 fewer people die from cold.”

That’s rarely reported in the news.

When the media doesn’t fret over deaths from heat, they grab at other possible threats.

CNN claims, “Climate Change is Fueling Extremism.”

The BBC says, “A Shifting Climate is Catalysing Infectious Disease.”

U.S. News and World Report says, “Climate Change will Harm Children’s Mental Health.”

Lomborg replies, “It’s very, very easy to make this argument that everything is caused by climate change if you don’t have the full picture.”

He points out that we rarely hear about positive effects of climate change, like global greening.

“That’s good! We get more green stuff on the planet. My argument is not that climate change is great or overall positive. It’s simply that, just like every other thing, it has pluses and minuses. … Only reporting on the minuses, and only emphasizing worst-case outcomes, is not a good way to inform people.”

Photo by Alexander Hafemann on Unsplash

5 thoughts on “Not-So-Scary Truth About Climate Change

  1. Climate change is a hoax. I was a float plane pilot for 22 years in northern and western Canada and had to make a living on being able to predict the weather and to do so to supply a regular service. We could barely predict 12 hours in advance, as they were 30% wrong even at that task.

    Why do we not hear about the movement of magnetic north and its rapid movement in to Russian territory from hundreds of years in northern Canada. Why isn’t that in the models that the weather gods try to sell us. I’m absolutely sure it’s having an effect so why don’t we hear about those studies and effects on climate.

    If I were asked to me the whole thing is government wanting power back from oil companies that have more swing than they do or something else spurious like that. What has happened to common sense!! It sure isn’t present in the current political climate, maybe we should pray for climate change in government first.

    1. Do the oil companies support conservative politicians while the green energy and lithium companies support liberal politicians?

  2. I’ll take global warming over global cooling any day, at least we can still eat in a warm world. Hard for anything to live when its too cold to grow crops.
    But of course, that comment buys into the idea that humans can change the global climate. Example: we spend trillions of $’s, we make everyone except the politicians and the rich live a miserable life controlled by the nanny state, and, we actually reduce global CO2 output – success! But then just one, new, large volcano erupts…. Oops, CO2 just went up again….

  3. If people who scream about the sea level rising actually believed it, they would not be building homes along the coastline.

    If they really believed this to be true, they would start forced evacuations of coastal homes. We would need all this time to build new housing for them inland in South Dakota. Yet they refuse to move on their own. They would rather watch as millions drown (according to them). They are doing nothing to rescue these people until it is too late.

    Their inaction to getting people high and dry speaks volumes for either their uncaring nature or their admission that the situation is not dire

  4. Regardless of whether man-made global warming is real (and regardless of whether we can fix it), many of the things that are supposed to help fix it have benefits in other areas.

    If more people were willing to use mass transit, we’d have less of a need for fossil fuels, which is a natural resource. And with mass transit railway using a third rail or overhead line, we’d reduce our need for fossil fuels without the need for so much lithium, which is another limited resource.

    And let’s not forget about shipping, using more freight trains and fewer semi-trucks would also reduce our need for fossil fuels.

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